PIC-Programmer 2 for PIC16C84

May 5, 2010

This Programmer is powered by the RS-232 and it works with RS-232 levels at only < ±8.6V. It programs PIC12C5XX, 12C67X, 24CXX, 16C55X, 16C61, 16C62X, 16C71, 16C71X, 16C8X, 16F8X and ISO-CARD's with ASF. Other serial programmable chips by adapter.The high Vpp is obtained by using negative voltage to drive the chip. The voltage is stabilized with zener diodes. They do not need voltage drop as if a voltage regulator, or has much offset current. This makes it possible to use extra low input voltage. Transistor driver guarantee output level > ±3V.

Features: Utilities now work on Dos, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98 and are expected to work on all other operating systems. All software does modemcheck to ensure that modems flash are not programmed by programmer, e.g. if you forgot to swap cable between programmer and modem. It is now possible to program more chips at same time using more of the communication port's while multitasking under Windows. The software automatic optimize delay for cable length and works with modem cables up to 100m. It use the RS232 controler chip only, and does not invoke use of other timers. Also short programming pulses are now hardware controled. Laptops only tested with PIC16C8x and 24Cxx.

Complete article in here
